Where is the event taking place this year?

We’ve found a new home at the Vault Vancouver.

What day is the event?

Saturday, August 19th.

When do gates open and close?

2:00pm - 10:00pm

Is this event all ages?

Unfortunately, this event is 19+.

Will food and beverage be available on-site?

The entire site is zoned for alcohol and will have various food options available.

Where can I find a schedule?

Our schedule will be live closer to the event. 

Will there be space for hula hoops?

We will have open platforms on either side of the stage that will be available to the attendees if you’d like to show us your stuff!

Can I bring my totem?


Can I wear a costume?

Of course! Festival vibes and attire are fully welcomed and encouraged at all Electric Love events, see you on the dancefloor! #danceandbefree

Can I smoke at the event?

Yes, but not on the dance floors. Smoking cigarettes will only be allowed close to a BUTBIN, you can find these throughout the perimeter of the event. This includes cannabis products.

What if I have to leave the event? Can I come back?

Yes. in’s & out’s are permitted although a $10 processing fee will be charged. This will keep re-entry lines manageable for those who need to leave and come back.

Will there be a communicable disease prevention plan?

Yes, a communicable disease prevention plan will be in full effect with signage throughout event grounds. Hand washing stations will be placed outside of all toilets. Please respect everyone's personal space, we are all in our own restart situations.

Can I bring a bad attitude?

No, please leave it at home. :)

We have a zero-tolerance for any violence or harassment of any kind. If you feel uncomfortable at any point in the event please don't hesitate to talk to the EL security or event staff.

Will there be security?

Yes, we pride ourselves on offering a fun and SAFE festival environment and part of this is a strong security presence. Security is available always to guarantee the safety and well-being of our guests.

Will my bags be searched at the front gate?

Yes. All bags will be searched at the front gate. We reserve the right to prohibit any harmful or dangerous items from entering the grounds. This is for everyone’s safety and security.

Banned Items: Alcohol, Glass Containers, Lasers, Illegal Substances & Weapons

How do I transfer the ticket I bought online into another name?

All tickets are transferable, please find out details here for transfers:

Showpass Transfer

I can no longer attend; how do I sell my pass?

Please join our Facebook Buy, Sell or Trade Page

Will there be tickets available at the door?

Yes, but only a very limited amount.

Will there be free water on site?

Yes, we have a water refill station inside The Vault Vancouver.

Where do I organize a carpool to BRB?

Request to join our Electric Love Ride Share page on Facebook:

Facebook Ride Share

How do I get involved with Electric Love?

All available applications will be available on our website. www.blockrockinbeats.ca

 Make sure to join our Facebook Volunteer Page for all updates.

Do you have any after-parties planned for this weekend?

We are working on those as we speak, check back shortly.